"It is astonishing what foolish things one can temporarily believe if one thinks too long alone, particularly in economics". John Maynard Keynes (1936, The General Theory).

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Transactions without euros in times of crisis: Coincidence, affinity or challenge?

This is the paper I have presented on November 10th 2011 at the Conference organised by the School of Management & Economics at Messolonghi. You may access the paper at this link
or click on the link at the left column of this blog.

or you may download the paper in English or in Greek, from this page
or click on the link at the left column of this blog.

At that same page of the conference papers, you will find very interesting works if you click on the link "Articles" at the top of the page. More papers will be uploaded shortly!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Short Stories of Dependency 2.0

By the occasion of the World Economics Association online conference, I prepared a new version of the Short Stories of Dependency. As you may see, I have not resolved the ethical issues I am facing in my research and in the meantime new issues have been raised.

You may find the new version of the paper at this link
http://economics.soc.uoc.gr/html/static_content/econ_phd/GR/Sotiropoulou/shortstoriesofdependency_Feb12_FULL%20VERSION.pdf (copy the link on your browser or click on it at the left column of the blog)

and you can participate at the WEA conference (conference participation is free), read the conference papers and make your comments at this link
http://weaethicsconference.wordpress.com/ (copy the link on your browser or click on it at the left column of the blog)